Merdeka Day, Bulldog, and Miscommunication

The day before Merdeka was spent with a friend in dire need to shop for clothes. I mean SHOP. Now I love shopping. But I do not love it when I woke up at 5.30am the day before AND consumed several mugs of coffee.
It's worse when you are freaking tired WHILE you teman your friend to shop AND you have to attend a party on the same night. Thus I was the grouchy companion. The sulky one in the corner, harbouring malicious thoughts that someone would die of food poisoning (So sorry Lizzie for my bitchy demeanour).

We had a wonderful lunch though. To be honest, I wasn't feeling so good before Liz came and pick me up. Once I arrived at the mall, I discovered why. It was my time of the month. What an apt time to come. Poor Liz. She had to endured my snide comments on everything. I mean EVERYTHING.
By the time I arrived home, I was on the brink of K.O-ness. But nOoooo, I had a party to attend so I had to rush to get change for the long night ahead. *Sigh* I could not FFK this time round. After changing J came and picked me up two hours later. Blame Merdeka celebrations massive jam. While rushing to Bulldog, IJ called asking where we were. We rushed to Bulldog and entered in to meet IJ. IJ was not there. In fact IJ was at her place waiting for us to come.
Basically it was a miscomunnication. We were suppose to adjourn to Bulldog after makaning at her place. Instead J and me went straight to Bulldog. Forget adjourning will ya, why not rush a step ahead? So pai seh going in Bulldog, only to walk straight OUT!

So we rushed to IJ's place, grabbed a pizza and a glass of wine, rushed out to meet JV and rushed to Bulldog again. What an amount of rushing. Anyway, am glad I didn't FFK anyone. Bulldog was good. I mean good. Celebrating Merdeka has never been better.