Friday, August 11, 2006

Point of Retardness

I opened my mailbox today. Received a stupidfying email by CP. Just reading it made me feel like a retard. For your information, I hate to receive stupid forwarded messages stating that your mum/dad/bro/sis/dog/etc would die if the message hasn't been forwarded in the next five minutes. It really irks me.

So, it is my utmost pleasure of presenting "A retards point of view as to when a guy likes you". As you will see, the words in red are my afterthoughts. Oh and please forward this. Otherwise your pet monkey would starve to death on a tree and never find (add sexual preferences here) soulmate. Let's begin shall we...

When a guy is quite and alone, he is thinking how good you are...

(OR, he could just have had a screwball day at work, and just wants to unwind)

When a guy is lying on his bed, he is thinking deeply why he loves you...

(Hah!Have you ever thought that the poor dude could just be t-i-r-e-d??)

When a guy looks into your eyes, he wants to tell you how much he loves you and how important you are...

(Or what a mess you made of your mascara.)

When a GUY answers, "I'm Fine", he is not and feels hurts

(From past experience, I can vouch that MOST guys are straightforward. The "I'm Fine" should be attention to the other gender)

When a GUY keep asking you the same question, he is wondering why you are lying.

(Or he's just an idiot with memory relapse)

When a GUY hugs you while sleeping, he is wishing that you belong to him forever.

(I am soOOOoo not commenting on this one)

When a GUY calls you everyday, he misses you and wants your attention.

(This could be true, or he could just be obsessed with you. Your pick)

When a GUY miss calls you, he misses you and wants to see you.

(Wait. This sounds the same as the one above..)

Seriously, if it's not funny please don't forward it. If it contains a 10 year curse cursing me that I would have a bad love life/sex life/marriage/kids/job why the **** are you forwarding it to me??! *Bangs head*. STUPIDNESS I tell you.

Ending note: Bill Gates won't give you part of his fortune if you forward that stupid darn mail! And no, friendsters/msn/hotmail/gmail/etc is NOT closing down.


Blogger Merv Kwok said...

>When a GUY miss calls you, he misses you and wants to see you.

Or he's just plain looney or chickenshitted to wait for you to pick up. Seriously, who miss calls as a way of telling someone "I miss you"? Hehe

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think men a if I said Damaris I don't hate you then you got a thing to worry about ;)

11:56 AM  
Blogger dee said...

Merv - Once upon a time there was a guy who constantly miss call me. I have yet to feel tat lovey dovey feeling. All I felt was major annoyance. =)

Aysh - So the question is do you love me or doncha?*winks*

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heheheh u'll never nooooo :D

10:14 PM  

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