Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Lunch Commodity

I am super annoyed. Today I got caught during the lunch hour rain because I was super lazy failed to carry any payung with me.. So A and me waited...
And waited
And waited somemore
And waited *tick tick tick*

And then, I couldn’t stand it, and went to Watson, where I spent RM9.90 on a freaking umbrella. I am really regretting the buy. My only consolation is that it is pink.

Monday, November 27, 2006

With much love..

I'm happy. It's one of those days where the sun is shining. I love my family. I love my friends. And God...well, I feel Him in the air....

When I was a kid, my parents always played a game with us. It was called the "Thankgiving Game". All participants had to say something that they were grateful for.

  1. I am grateful to God for everything
  2. I am grateful that I have such a wonderful family
  3. I am grateful that I am have solid friendships here and there
  4. I am grateful that I go to a job that I love
  5. I am grateful that I am alive

I wish you all a wonderful weekend ahead. God bless!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Birthday Jitters...

Double Update: My salary just came in. DOUBLE HAPPINESS!!!*faints*
Update: My colleagues just gave me a wonderful surprise. They got me a cake to celebrate the day, and yes, I am very very surprised. But I am happy. It has been ages since I have been as surprised as this.
Due to a busy schedule, I have been cutting back on blogging. Before I continue, I would like to give everyone that wish me a big *MUAX*. The rest may proceed to drop dead. Bleh.

Seeing that my ‘brother’, who is celebrating his birthday today across the globe (same year summore!), I am officially taking his post, cutting and pasting and making it mine. MUAHAHAHA.

23 things I have learnt in my 23 years of living (See, I even edited the title *grins*)
  1. God is every so faithful.
  2. Family should be of utmost importance in one's life.
  3. To appreciate something, one has to go through trials and tribulations otherwise, one will fail to realise the beauty that one grasp.
  4. Try not to judge anyone for who they are, what they do/did. (this is sooOo not easy, but I'm still trying)
  5. There are so many levels of friendship. The solid ones come from the least expected places.
  6. Never go into a relationship just for the sake of it. Make sure you are happy to talk and just be with that someone. It is simple really. (on this note, I am still single..=D)
  7. Life is simple. We on the other hand, love to complicate it.
  8. To love, is to let your heart be broken, times and times again (this applies to any relationship, be it bgr, family and friends..)


and maybe a hot latino chick eh? =)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Of ATM Rejects

I went out to Midvalley today to accompany my mum to take a look at her Estee Lauder products. Can you believe that all this while she thought the perfume she was using was Beautiful while it was Intense Pleasure?

Anyways, we saw the set that was being offered and neither of us were impressed. Advertisement my friends, is very deceiving from reality. Thus we went window shopping and that was when I thought it would be cool to get my brother an early X-Mas present.

To buy him this present, I needed to withdraw from the ATM. However, all the ATMs were hellbent on giving me an exercise of the century. They all worked hand in hand to reject my card. Thus I had a wonderful tour of the mall until someone was kind enough to point out an ATM which has existed in a secluded place. It work!

It accepted my card. Wonderful. Withdrew the money and got me brother this: -

Gave it to him and he was happy. He better be otherwise...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Luggage Abound!

Call me superficial, but I have always told myself that I would one day get myself those sleek posh luggage. Everytime I passed a luggage store, my eyes would automatically peer at the various suitcases.

So yesterday, on my way back, I decided to scout KLCC to see the range, design and brand that were available since I would be flying often and professionally, it’s not befitting to fly with a blue canvas Reebok bag.

Scouring around, I chanced upon Isetan, which were having a luggage fair.

How could I resist not to take a peek?
I mean, it was the last day of the fair. And by sheer luck, I chance upon it unknowingly. So, without further ado I browsed through the multitude of colors before me. I was, awestruck.
One an a half hour later, I was strolling back with a luggage in tow. I got a wonderful black cabin luggage from Samsonite at half the price. Grinning ear-to-ear I went back home pushing my newfound product which I would show off to the world rather soon.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

An encounter of the slithery kind - Part 2

Yesterday I was in the office overtime, finishing up some stuff when I received a call from home. My dog, caught a cobra and this time, he killed it. Though it was a black Cobra, my dad said it was a different one then the last time.

However, my relief was shortlived as I heard that the Cobra spat venom into Bobby's eyes. All thoughts of work vanquish from my mind as I wanted to go home to check the wellbeing of my beloved baby. Hurriedly, I proceeded to finish whatever I needed to. The time was 8.05pm when I left the building. Met my friend, and we went to the Dang Wangi station. The train which arrived was packed and we only managed to squeeze onto the third one.

By the time I got home it was 8.45pm. As soon as I plonked my bag I ran outside to see my doggy. His eyes were terrible. They were swollen though the right eye looked better. After manjaing him, I got a cloth and some water to clean his eyes which was tearing. Then I proceeded to feed him with nuggets and codliver oil, clorophil tablets as well my partially finished yoghurt fruit juice.

He lapped it all up - the affection, the food and the medicine. Today I spent most of the day checking my doggy, to see how he is. I am very very relief that he is alright and his eyes are getting better. I currently have a dislike against snake and should my dog been bitten, I think the dislike would have turn to hate.

P/S: I want to buy sulphur. Anyone knows where I can get loads of that?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Malaysia's "Wonderful" Transportation Systems

Today I rushed back early as I wanted to rest as tomorrow I'm having a loooOOooong day. So briskly, I walked to KLCC to wait for the train. What greeted me was a crowd like that you get in a concert. The most genius part of this whole scheme was that no one was allowed to proceed through the ticket gate. Instead we all had to wait outside the train station.


With determination, I then struggled my way through to the counter, wishing that I was in a rugby uniform instead of my skirt and heels. After buying the ticket, I proceeded to get in queue for the darn train. Thirty minutes past and the train the queue was getting longer but no train. I was fuming and wishing for a flame thrower.

Finally I stormed off. Nevermind the money. I rather give it to the poor. Thus I began my walk to KL Monorail, to which I overheard a stupid scumbag taxidriver on the phone in front of KLCC telling some poor misfortunate souls that he would fretch them to Bukit Bintang for RM300 ringgit! F***!!! HOW CAN LIKE THAT!!!

I glared at him. Seriously man, these are the f***** that give our country a wonderful name! Too bad the misfortunate souls weren't there. Otherwise I might just walk up to them and tell them that they are about to get con big time!

Once I arrive at the Monorail the train arrived in less than 5 minutes!Hah! I am so gonna use the monorail in the future.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Pick up and mush up

Today since I had a bit of work to clear, I decided to OT. Thus, I only left my office at 8.00pm plus plus. Cars were everywhere and impatiently I waited for the red man to become green.

As I stared vacantly ahead this guy approached me in front of a club where I was waiting to cross to the other side.

"How are you?" he said rather friendly.

I blinked before I replied, "I'm very tired and I want to go home"

"My name is--"

I cut him off with the hand, and proceeded to cross the busy street. Seriously, when you are drop dead tired, the last thing you need is someone trying his pick up line. You're just too tired to care!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Tiredness and Grumpy-ness

I should be out now. Watching a friend perform at his gig. Giving him some form of support.

As I said, I should.

Instead, I'm at home. Tired but relief. I have been going out too often and coming back late. I am indeed washed out.

Even ice cream couldn't seduce me to go out. Like, seriously..

A part of me feels guilty, the other part feels good. I need a break doing nothing. People are asking me, why am I not out today. As if I *mustn't* be caught dead at home. I am feeling cranky. Poor Lizzie (I'm really sorry. Feeling really bad).

I am feeling grumpy thanks to my stupid tummy. Hell hath no fury like a woman in pain. Heh. Can I hibernate for a month, not going out on the weekends and spending my days at work? And while I am at it, can I have all the bags in The Devil Wears Prada? Like pretty please?