Diablo II: Lord of Time Mismanagement

Yesterday I told myself that I would finish the damn business proposal and be done with it.
Obviously I lied to myself.
I have been putting it off for two whole weeks and I need to start somewhere. Damn Diablo II. Yeap, I blame my entire lack of progress on this addictive I'll-just-finish-this-one-quest game.
I started playing and yipee! I managed to slay the fire breathing Diablo who managed to slay me two times. So there I was, on a Sunday afternoon, finishing the quest of banishing Diablo to the abyss when suddenly, there was this other foul creature that I needed to slay. His name was Baal. Shit.
“Nevermind, I'll-just-finish-this-one-quest”.
This proved to be quite a while for me as I err, got distracted trying to get every magical items and precious stones that appeared from the depths of the dead minions beings. Lets not begin to talk about the gold.
It’s just that this stupid game brings out the kiasu nature in me. In the end nothing was accomplished - saved I felt happy on my accomplishment in the fantasy realm.
Man, and I told myself only an hour dammit.
yo pal, i like D2 too, but sadly, no D3 yet. HOWEVER, there was some news at blizzard's website which did hint at the upcoming project. but oh well, i'm a lil outdated, for all i know, there might be a D3 outside eh?
dont think its out too! but man, i can hope right? *grins*
weh, diablo II where got stupid..? damn cun game u know..
i finish diablo II oledi.. hehehe.. you can have my savegame if you want..
i'm waiting for hellgate london.. i heard its better than diablo..! wooohooo..!
hehehe...still i like diablo...hey u got any chun chun games to intro to me ah?
muahahaha! me too! just-one-more-quest and its 5am! wait till we reach Nightmare and Hell level :P
what kind of games u like..?
i really love this one femme fatal game, no one lives forever 2..
err...how bout sims 2? try drowning em in the pool or leaving them in a room w/out doors to rot and die..damn chun one!
hahahaha. u died so many times for diablo. u sesated freak. xP thank me for helping lmao.
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