Friday, September 09, 2005

Dee the Moron


Sometimes, even I can be amaze as what an idiot I can be.

Have you ever seen The Road to El Derado?

Remember when the guy bangs his head against the wall? Well, I felt like doing that just a moment ago.

Today, I officially was an idiot. What i did was soooOOooo stupid. I left an important fax on the table of a collegue who was on MC. Now did I tell anyone else about the fax? Nope. I kept mum as a jackass. No one, save me, knew about the fax and they only got to know about it at 3.00pm. I knew bout it at 11.00a.m. Naturally, I kena screwed by my boss.

Boss: Why didn't you let me know about the fax?
Me: Ah-Err-I- (aka speechless)
Boss: Next time you must let me know. This is an important fax you know!
Me: Ah-Err-I (aka speechless overcomed by guilt)*

*Conversation might be altered BUT it was along this line..

Did i deserve it? You bet! After all, I got a collegue of mine to write out a letter, all last minute just because I didn't let anyone know about the hateful fax. And to make this guilt trip better, she was sick. Boy, I feel all the more worse.

You know the saying "learn from thy mistakes"? Well it should be upgraded to "learn from thy mistakes AND feel like a moron while you're at it".

Boy, I could do with a beer.

p/s: check out Adrian's latest post entitled 'Rubbish'. Last pic is a winner. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:04 PM  
Blogger Akunosh said...

wahlau what happened to you..? haha..

eh, why everytime i read ur post, there'll be something like this; "This post has been removed by the blog administrator"

annoying comments, i assume..?


1:19 AM  
Blogger dee said...

not annoying comments dear...its those advertisements which goes like...

"hey i like you blog. very good. come visit mine on health care!"

and the ***king list goes on

12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

even you admit it ^_^

9:10 PM  

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