When Lavender is not so fragrant...

Okay, I exaggerated. Still, I am annoyed.
Last week, I sent a coat of mine for drycleaning. I sent it on Monday. Note the word MONDAY (29 August). Oh-kay.
Now the mistake I made was to send it to this place called One Lavender Services in Hartamas, NO. 15 Jalan 26/70A (if you ever happen to work/live in Hartamas you know where to head for super-slow service).
I was told I should be able to get my coat on Thursday. Fair enough for me because Wednesday as we all know it, was Merdeka Day.
Besides, according to the lady, they would be shifting from 27/70A to 26/70A (for you that do not know where how near the two roads are, I have drawn it out).
To be fair, they were shifting BUT if you look at the map, it isn't so far away. Hell its only a street dammit.
So why was I annoyed? Because come Thursday my coat wasn't ready?Nah, its okay. I can understand that they were shifting so maybe some slight delay can occur. Anyway, the girl was apologetic and I was okay.
Me: Bila boleh dapat baju balik?
Girl: Esok you datang ya? Minta maaf, kita baru pindah ke sini.
Me: Okay, I datang esok.
And I went the next day. To realise that my coat was not done. Oh-kay. I was like, "..." but what the hell? That was on a Friday.
Me: Bila boleh dapat baju balik?
Girl: Isnin you datang ya? Minta maaf, kita baru pindah ke sini.
Me: ......
I thought that Monday it would be ready since there is Saturday and Sunday for them to dry-clean it if they forgot, those lazy buggers.
Suffice to say, I didn't get my coat on Monday and the girl was naturally apologetic which was becoming an annoying trait of hers. I think she realise that I was fuming thus she said she would call me when ready and she took down my number.
Me: (In a geram voice) Bila boleh dapat baju balik?
Girl: Belum siap lagi dik. Minta maaf ya?
Me: ......
Girl: Tinggal nombor dengan kakla..nanti kak panggil bila siap ya?
I went there this Wednesday without recieving a phone call from Ms. I'm-so-sorry to find that the coat was wash. Now you tell me, am I overreacting here because last i heard the name for this is bad service*. You promise to call me when the coat is ready and you (excuse me) didn't call? I told her I could wait a month without knowing nuts whether the coat is drycleaned or not. Bloody hell. What did she said to that? "I'm sorry".
While walking away from the shop I vow never to enter Lavender again. Ever. I think I would go to Bubble Jet Laundry Services* which is just a few doors away from Lavender. And this time, if i meet another Ms. I'm-so-sorry, I might just smother her.
* this is just a personal account of what I recieved from Lavender Service
* used their service before. Sent on Monday get back on Thursday as they said. Never met any Ms. I'm-so-sorry in Bubble Jet Service
Wow, now that's bad.
Here in the United States, we have a government agency which collects information about businesses' service records, to which people can complain if something like this happens... do you have anything like that in Malaysia?
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well, we do have consumer organizations here such as the Federation of Malaysian Consumer Association (FOMCA). Their obj basically is to tackle consumer issues and promote the rights of the consumer and also to coordinate as an advisory body to all the other consumer organization in Malaysia.
however, many malaysians do not pratice their rights and most do not even know their rights as we have this tidak apa(nevermind) attitude. =)
but im not sure whether that is what you're talking about?
Yes, that's about what I had in mind (here it's called the Better Business Bureau). And most people here don't actually use it either.
Though over here, it's just because of laziness. ;)
lol...well some malaysians don't even know that these organizations exist....
others, like me, are just to lazy to lodge a complain when we know nothing would get done most of the time...
well, we just won't bother bcoz we know nothing will be done abt :)
I have one simple thing to say D
lazy w/e consumers = lazy w/e services
errr...what is w/e? :S
whatever but u are not in the category...I was making a general statement like about men who don't want to ask for directions when they are lost :)
hahaha...and i thought we were still talking about consumerism! :D
we were :-D
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