Bored Bum
(repeat 100x)
I spent the whole day doing nothing. N-o-t-h-i-n-g. Save going online to chat, watching the tv, reading the papers. That was it.
Now the day has come to an end. Do I feel guilty being a bum? Nope, though I am officially bored...*sigh*
I have this book called Sophie's World.

Yup..this is the book alrite..
Been meaning to complete it but I have yet to do so. I bought it three years ago but gave up bout a year ago*. Hmm..wonder why...
Thus, I decided that today would be spent in bed, with Sophie's World in my hands and junkfood by my side. I soOOoo love a good read.
However, I encountered a errr...minute problems.
First problem: weather freaking hot! Room turn into suana but with kipas.
Second problem: Junkfood? None. How am I to read if I'm going to be thinking of food ALL the time???What kind of starvation camp is this??!
Third problem: "Ah, no wonder why I did not complete the &#^$ book". Its full of the psycho-bable of philosophy. Fuck.
So I tried mind you, tried to read the book.
I read three pages (full of stuff on Romanticism, Kant and alot more theories)
Then I gave up.
*Sigh* Don't get me wrong. Its not that the book is horrible or what, but you need to be willing to concentrate to grasp what is being said and I was in no mood today to read anything that required thinking. Was more in the mood for some brainless-shit reading. Oh well..
On top of this, I now have wonderful music to listen to. Handel is being played in the living room while J is going on his slaying mission of Diablo in the room. I on the other hand, am gaining the best of both worlds as I can hear this chant-o-rama and the bloody *splurg* noises of things being chopped up. Could anything be more glorious??
* goes to show i have alot of useful-useless items lying around. the other day i 'discovered' that i have two flats that i never knew existed.
everyone say: .......
(repeat 100x)
I spent the whole day doing nothing. N-o-t-h-i-n-g. Save going online to chat, watching the tv, reading the papers. That was it.
Now the day has come to an end. Do I feel guilty being a bum? Nope, though I am officially bored...*sigh*
I have this book called Sophie's World.

Yup..this is the book alrite..
Been meaning to complete it but I have yet to do so. I bought it three years ago but gave up bout a year ago*. Hmm..wonder why...
Thus, I decided that today would be spent in bed, with Sophie's World in my hands and junkfood by my side. I soOOoo love a good read.
However, I encountered a errr...minute problems.
First problem: weather freaking hot! Room turn into suana but with kipas.
Second problem: Junkfood? None. How am I to read if I'm going to be thinking of food ALL the time???What kind of starvation camp is this??!
Third problem: "Ah, no wonder why I did not complete the &#^$ book". Its full of the psycho-bable of philosophy. Fuck.
So I tried mind you, tried to read the book.
I read three pages (full of stuff on Romanticism, Kant and alot more theories)
Then I gave up.
*Sigh* Don't get me wrong. Its not that the book is horrible or what, but you need to be willing to concentrate to grasp what is being said and I was in no mood today to read anything that required thinking. Was more in the mood for some brainless-shit reading. Oh well..
On top of this, I now have wonderful music to listen to. Handel is being played in the living room while J is going on his slaying mission of Diablo in the room. I on the other hand, am gaining the best of both worlds as I can hear this chant-o-rama and the bloody *splurg* noises of things being chopped up. Could anything be more glorious??
* goes to show i have alot of useful-useless items lying around. the other day i 'discovered' that i have two flats that i never knew existed.
everyone say: .......
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I know the feeling...bought the book 2 years ago gave up after 6 months of trying to read it. If u want a good book check out Jane Greens stuff specially "straight talking'
later love.
hehe..its not that its bad but more that im so freaking lazy to use those brain cells...keke..that book needs concentration i tell ya!will check out this jane green that you mention then!
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