When J and I was alone, we were laughing our hearts out at Mr. Weird Man (let's call him WM) illusions. WM is indeed a very happy person. Anyways, by the time I arrived home it was 2am and found my dearest mother was up. Thus, I ended up happily chatting with her till 3am.
And no, I failed to get some good shut eye. Sunday soon arrive and I was really tired. Tried to take a nap unsuccessfully.
Later on, messaged
Adrian to see where he would be heading that night for the World Cup. Since he was going to some Padang Mamak, failed to see this guy with the konon-macho-tattoo-from-a-bubble-gum-wrapper as the rest planned to head to The Curve to experience the wonders of football. By the time D picked me up I wished I had taken the nap I so desperately needed.

Arrived at The Curve at about 10.30pm. That was like, 3 hours plus before the match. Went to this place called The Laundry and D managed to get us good seats. Damn the sofa was comfy *yawns*. Soon before I knew it, his other friends arrive.
You know, 3 hours might seem like a long time, but with these people, the hours past real fast. I mean,
reaaaal fast. Rather nice bunch as J and I soon found out.
Either that, or I had arrive at Happyville after downing various concoctions. Yes, I was happy, if not imbalanced.
As I was tired, happy and high at the same time, brain failed to function in the right form and when Z was teaching me this new game, I stared at her like a bimbo, smiling happily trying my level best but unsucceeding in comprehending the rules. However once enlightenment dawn, I got J downing various level of entities.
Match soon arrived and I watched it with an out of body experience. The guys were tense. When S asked me whom I support, I told him I was rooting for Italy. Save for T, the rest of the manly man were rooting for France. I studied with interest as how football can change a person. D and S were soon puffing tensely in total concentration as Zidane headbutted Materazzi (note:
The match was soon over. Italy won, leaving the guys dejected. Since I'm no football fanatic, I fail to comprehend the feeling. But, if I supported France and lost, I too, would be dejected not because I am mad about football, but because I HATE to loose. Anyways, went out for breakfast with J and D (note: hey, watcha know JD!Haha!) and arrived home at 7am in the morning just on time to greet my sister who was heading out for school.

Thus today, I cancelled meeting up with my cousin who is back from OZ, because I'm just too tired. Yes, I know I'm rambling, but then I'm not thinking straight as I'm writing this. Damn, I felt so exhausted but happily fullfilled spending time with wonderful people, doing the silliest of things, and just sitting back, relaxing and sipping a beer (figuratively speaking).