Friday, January 13, 2006

Rant of A Mad(literally)man

Since Awal-Muharram on Tuesday, I have been down with flu, fever, dry cough and the feeling of wanting to strangle every idiot that crossed my path. Needless to say, I gave a piece of my mind to a few unlucky individuals who were not only rude, but of the bullying kind. All in all, it made me feel damn good, save for the hot forehead.

Thus on Tuesday, instead of going out with my family, I was stuck at home, mopping my sorrows away which basically concluded to : -


On Wednesday morning, I was not feeling too good. Thus, a visit to the family doctor was necessary. Outcome? I still have the fever and was given bagfuls of tablets to swallow.

Did I ever mention that I hate medicine? If it were in my jurisdiction, I would only go to the doctor to prove that I am an ill cow, not to become a chemical enhanced one. Since I was forced to take those hateful pills, I swallowed them unwillingly after every meal, four times a day thank you very much.

There were five pills all together with all the color of the rainbow save orange. Did I finish the doctor's prescription? Nope. By day two, I found the pills a nuisance and they have been in my bag ever since, rotting away. Still, heaven be blessed as the doctor instantly recognize that I was looking like a starved giraffe, and gave me two days MC.

On Thursday I woke up feeling relief for the rest only to find that I was needed in the office. Yeap, I had to drag myself there. Sitting there, I can say say I wasn't very happy and wasn't about to be Ms. Cherry Disposition. I couldn't even breath for goodness sake! Thank God I only had to be in the office bout half day before kissing the Perdana on the way home.

Was I happy when I arrived home? Was I grateful to see the couch where I spend my various nights? NO. I was freaking furious. Why? Go figure Ms. Pansy Pants. Damn, today I am at work and I feel like being a bitch. Any idiotic rude people around? Any takers??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh dear...can't u just show everyone the finger and lock urself in ur room...even throw a tantrum? this so not good.
Hope u feel better soon

12:48 PM  
Blogger dee said...

aysh - I wish I could. I wanted to throw a tantrum, let me tell you that. But it is unprofessional. :)

11:11 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

LOL at least you got a post out of being ill, complete with big angry red words! That's gotta worth something!

Hope you're feeling better - healthwise AND moodwise.

3:11 PM  
Blogger dee said...

jay - Don't you just love what colors and fonts can do? Big red fonts just speak volume! And, yea, am feeling better...

much better..

2:54 PM  

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