Friday, September 08, 2006

La crème de la crème

In this world where materialistic goods somewhat defines a person, advertising moulds our perception of a brand. Thus branding plays a major role not only as to how we view a product but how we form an emotional bond with it.

Due to this, advertisers should realize that the consumers are not stupid. They do (if the very least) have some neurons in their head. Unfortunately, some advertisers, fail to understand this for incomprehensible reasons.

It my utmost displeasure of introducing to you the “advertisement of the year” which has been appearing on our local newspapers...


This advertisement has somewhat made consumers like me feel like a vegetative dung beetle incapable of any form of reasoning whatsoever.

As a consumer, I feel that, if I was given the option of choosing either: -

  1. watching the tele while cramming myself with truckfull of ice cream
  2. watching tele while performing some household chore (i.e. folding cloths, ironing, sewing, etc.)

I would pick 1. Definitely.

Any person save a one in a state of a vegetative dung beetle would pick 2. Either that or the consumer just hates ice cream (or is on an extreme diet of sort).

As a consumer, I am irked that I have been regarded as a vegetative dung beetle and must be told in a form of an advert that most people prefer la crème de la crème as compared to say, folding cloths. In my humble opinion, common sense would enable me to make that deduction.

Lastly, there are various advertisements on various channels, be it on the radio, newspaper, or television that simply defies smart consumers and throws all form of brain activity out of the window.

This post, is brought to you by a somewhat dumbfound (no, I don’t mean it that way) consumer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are using strong words, like "Proven", so dumbass (not dumbfound like you) consumers will think that their neighbors and friends participated in the survey and that's why it is PROVEN!

Yay! Those advertisers are targeting dumbass, not elites like us. Yay!

3:45 PM  
Blogger Merv Kwok said...

I learnt a new phrase today: vegetative dung beetle.

Oh puhleezzee la Nestle! TV is better with a tub of Haagen Daaz.

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...its a shame that such advertising gets published and broadcasts...I think I am going to start a new award show...worsts adverts in the world and a vegetative dung beetle shall give the trophy :D

9:02 PM  
Blogger dee said...

Adrian - Hehe..elites..I like the sound of tat..

Merv - Honestly, I prefer Baskin & Robbins..

Aysh - Now, that would be a sight to see..a dung beetle giving out awards...Wait, isn't that like, taking place already?

9:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree on one thing. Dumbfound. Nice.


6:25 PM  

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