Thursday, May 25, 2006

Guys, is it just me?

There are just some things that I can never understand about the opposite sex. If anyone could as be so kind to shead some light to my cluelessness, please feel free to leave your comments. We begin....
  1. The remote control. Up to this day, I have yet to fathom the relationship between men and the remote control. If you're watching television, you can be sure that your male counterpart beside you would eventually gain control (excuse the pun) of the remote control.
  2. Football. Honestly. What is so great about the sport anyway? A bunch of guys kicking a ball into two tiny goals. Biiig deal. Why the interest? And while I'm at it, there is the F1.....
  3. Cars. A friend of mine once told me that to him, a car is more precious than a girl. Daamn. I hope not!

The list is endless, but I think these three tops it up. Till then....!


Blogger Adrian said...

It's oh-so-simple and let me shed some lights to your very confused understanding about men.

(1) Remote control - We like to be in charge. We like to flip channels like all the time because we hate commercials, we hate romance movie, and if there's no a tonne of blood and explosion every 15 seconds, we flip!

(2) Football - Well, a bunch of men running and running, chasing after a tiny ball, and keep running. And then when its goal, imagine the tiny ball going into the hole! Yeah, that's the appeal to men. Try to understand golf, with smaller ball and smaller hole.

(3) Cars - Ah! Cars! Now, it is not about girls. Nope. Cars are like passion to a man. He can spend hours and hours washing, polishing, and vacuuming the car. That's because it is a symbol of power, speed, and control. Also, who won't gawk at a guy driving a Ferrari? I bet you won't even have a quick glance on a guy with 15 years old Proton Sage. Besides, don't forget that they said people can judge a guy by what car he's driving. If its a very nice car, the chance of attracting those very materialistic girls is much higher.

Of course, as usual, there are exceptions...

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An ex of mine (and I still wonder why I didn't see the signs) was so into cars that I was his first serious girlfriend and the first girl he ever kissed. He was 25 years old!
That is just plain sad...instead of wondering Dee why not just pity ;)

10:51 AM  
Blogger Adrian said...

Hey! I got a colleague who is not into cars, and yet he is 40 years old and still a virgin, no girlfriend at the moment, and not married. There's nothing wrong! (He is picky and just couldn't find the right girl)

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nope see Adrian there is a difference...he told me the reason he never dated cos he was too into cars and I was the first girl he was attracted to who actually took him not totally away but for sometime away from cars. Get it?

6:10 PM  
Blogger dee said...

Adrian - Thank you for the explaination! It all make sense now (save football/golf, which I still don't understand?! Well, well, guy friend who is picky eh? Can understand that...

Aysh - Well, don't think there is anything wrong with a guy not kissing till 25 ;) But being too into cars...well, that is another matter...

8:39 PM  

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