Friday, October 07, 2005


tonight am suppose to go out clubbing...

i said suppose

called it off as i am feeling rather tired. havent fully recovered from that stupid virus and would rather spend the day at home, though the thought of missing out on a truckfull of cutie pies is somewhat saddening...

anyways,will be having a full day tomorrow and wouldnt want to be a zombie when i meet my friend lizzie, whom i haven't seen in five years...

then onwards, would be going for Company of Shorts to be held at HELP with Jamie.. . cant wait to see what's in store from our indie directors.

if you do have the time, do pop by as i found various film festivals such as komas freedom film fest and alsothe french film fest rather enlightening!

oh yeah..i bought this wonderful blouse from blook..rm79... it was love at first sight..

am too tired to post up the picture..actually am just too lazy

thats all for today..too damn tired to talk about something nice and interesting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey gal give my love to NOnesense...tell her I miss her loads! XXXXXXXX

5:20 PM  
Blogger dee said...

anonymous - "I just wanna honestly say that mostly pages here are crap but you have something i like Good content I have a site to Pretty cool have a look if you got some time Earn money online easy"

fuck u too!

aysh - will send your undying love to her

5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

er D no need of undying love just a simple hello and I miss her would be fine :-D

5:22 PM  
Blogger Adrian said...

awww poor thing. you still haven't recovered from the virus? get well soon ya?

12:05 AM  
Blogger dee said...

aysh - well, will do!

adrian - feeling much better! going clubbing this friday!!woo hoo!!

1:32 PM  

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