Sale Sale Sale!!!
On Sunday, with the likes of my mother, sister and brother, we headed to KLCC with one goal in mind – shopping.
Destination? Isetan.
Before that we headed to Avenue K where we had Secret Recipe. Damn the Irish Lamb was good. I love Irish Lamb.
Now for your information there are a few things that I like to have when I dine.
1) No crowd. I hate crowd. If I go to hawker stall nvm. If I’m paying a bomb it better not be a pasar malam (night market)
2) Food. It better be good.
3) Ambience. Atmosphere matter.
That’s it I guess. Not much but if I won’t be happy if I don’t have all three. Anyway what I liked about Avenue K was that it hardly had any people. Secret Recipe was almost empty. And the lightings and ambience was nice.
Thus I was a happy customer. However I wasn’t happy about the music as it was not relaxing at all. It would have been better if the place played something soothing like instrumental latin music. That would have been nice. My mum especially wasn’t happy when she heard the song which had the four letter word uncensored mentioned in nearly every sentence. Hehe..
After a scrumptious meal, we headed out to shop. Recent times, I have somewhat tune out on shopping. I used to be able to shop a whole day in a mall. 10am to 10pm. I’m not lying. Seriously, I would be buying and buying cuz its cheap cheap cheap! Later on I would regret because I would either have
1) no use for the item
2) wonder what on earth made me buy such a *shudder* ugly top that makes me look like the muffin man
3) waste money
Since I am now earning my pay, I can afford to splurg more than when I was a college student. However, I have somewhat become a fussypot. So it was with a skeptical view that this sale would be like those megasale (where cheap = hideous, not worth your money) and I would end up buying nothing.
That was not the case. I managed to get a pair of jeans from Pop Soda, a baby tee from Seed and a wallet from Guess.
And I saved quite a bit.

i love this shirt!

Nice or not??
Jeans = RM 15 (can u believe it?? org price is RM89!!)
Top = RM 35 (50% discount)
Wallet = RM 71 (np: 119)
What are u waiting for?? Sale ends on Oct 4
Destination? Isetan.
Before that we headed to Avenue K where we had Secret Recipe. Damn the Irish Lamb was good. I love Irish Lamb.
Now for your information there are a few things that I like to have when I dine.
1) No crowd. I hate crowd. If I go to hawker stall nvm. If I’m paying a bomb it better not be a pasar malam (night market)
2) Food. It better be good.
3) Ambience. Atmosphere matter.
That’s it I guess. Not much but if I won’t be happy if I don’t have all three. Anyway what I liked about Avenue K was that it hardly had any people. Secret Recipe was almost empty. And the lightings and ambience was nice.
Thus I was a happy customer. However I wasn’t happy about the music as it was not relaxing at all. It would have been better if the place played something soothing like instrumental latin music. That would have been nice. My mum especially wasn’t happy when she heard the song which had the four letter word uncensored mentioned in nearly every sentence. Hehe..
After a scrumptious meal, we headed out to shop. Recent times, I have somewhat tune out on shopping. I used to be able to shop a whole day in a mall. 10am to 10pm. I’m not lying. Seriously, I would be buying and buying cuz its cheap cheap cheap! Later on I would regret because I would either have
1) no use for the item
2) wonder what on earth made me buy such a *shudder* ugly top that makes me look like the muffin man
3) waste money
Since I am now earning my pay, I can afford to splurg more than when I was a college student. However, I have somewhat become a fussypot. So it was with a skeptical view that this sale would be like those megasale (where cheap = hideous, not worth your money) and I would end up buying nothing.
That was not the case. I managed to get a pair of jeans from Pop Soda, a baby tee from Seed and a wallet from Guess.
And I saved quite a bit.

i love this shirt!

Nice or not??
Jeans = RM 15 (can u believe it?? org price is RM89!!)
Top = RM 35 (50% discount)
Wallet = RM 71 (np: 119)
What are u waiting for?? Sale ends on Oct 4
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Nice purchase! I like the shirt. Makes your boobs glitter. Me? Sale? I dont have the privilige just yet ... burnt out
thanks!becca, who snapped the photo in the changing room also commented that my boobs look bigger in the shirt. *grins*
when u not burnt out we go shopping together k?
p/s: its ouly for a month. after that you would be on hols. take break and pamper yourself silly then
you sure know how to shop..i give you that much credit... splurging is a good thing (not always but sometimes) glad you did!
glad i did it too!
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