phone call from hell?

yesterday, i recieved a phone call from 03-8318****.
shit. its me ex-company. what if its c, the diabolical monster that is so evil that hell spat back out again? shitshitshit
reluctantly, i picked up the phone to be greeted by tania.
tania: hey-a!! where are u??im at collegela! thought wanna ajak you go lunch.
me: erm tania, i resigned from L*** already.
tania: *gasp* serious??? when??
me: two months already
tania: aiyak..
and she proceed to ask the journalistic five questions: -when, why, what, where, how..
man, i seriously thought she knew.
*photo taken from 6/kwpatient.html
i hate that fcuking number.. seriously..
when that number call, usually they wanted something from me.
yeah, i so know what u mean..
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