Maintanance Class

safety driving center (SEL)
yesterday i had maintanance class. it lasted for six hours. it started at 9am and ended at 3pm. i had to get up at 7am.
the first three hours was in a small room filled with people where we listen to this fella, telling us about the driving exams, passing marks, mandatory rules and etc. i got bored and didnt really payed much attention, as i was trying my level best to breath. yeap, i was out of breath. poor me.
however for the pratical session, we were divided into a pair with an instructor each. while my instructor was teaching us on the car parts, there was these five people that crowded with us around the kancil, making it seven people. their stupid instructors left them to be taught by my instructor. damn i was annoyed. a kancil is so small, and u have seven people share a instructor??
besides the weather was hot, and i was already in a foul mood thanks to me being sick and john
who delighted in making me more annoyed which later on lead to me getting worked up which lead to me now loosing my voice. ah, what are brothers for?
at least after learning abit on the car such as the spark plugs, carborator with the other five parasites, we started driving

the instructor
thank god their instructors came back later on for the driving part. here we were allowed to play around with the car aka drive. it was fun!!i felt a whole lot happier driving. my instructor is really a nice chap.
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did the driving instructor scream violently during the practice session? so you lost your voice? awww poor thing...
*hmph* who said?? it was fun! besides me instructor said i got a good grip on driving and asked whether i drove before...take that u meanie!!
p/s: i teraccidentally speed with a me partner screaming violently in the car while the instructor and me gleefully enjoyed ourselves
Darling, you had the hotts for the instructor ah? =o
Horny dede.
anonymous (konon) rebecca - no i dont have the hots for him u cheeky pig. will willingly surrender his no to you if YOU have the hots for him
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