Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Chewing Like A Pigeon

my mum recently borrowed this book. it's called the fat fallacy.
basically the summary of this book is that you are how you eat. if you eat like a pig, gorging away, then you would tend to become like a pig. im serious! peck your food like a pigeon and slim thou shall be.
to me its just gibberish nonsense. that was until i put on 3.5kg. all my life i have been gorging food like nothing. when i saw the scale about three days ago, I have only 0.5kg to go before i hit the big 50!!
this same thing has happened to me once when i was doing my internship. however, when i went back to college the stress level was equvalent to a workout session in the gym. i could never gain weight during my college years due to my hectic and stressful lifestyle.
now i am in a totally relaxing environment, food aplenty in every corner. this isnt good. i need to do something. im going to have to start exercising. not only to loose weight, but also to keep fit.
think if i tell this to myself 100x the extra pounds would go away???
*my brother has been totally supportive. he told me that the pounds i have gain = to the lightest weights that he lifts. and that is sOOoo heavy. damn. he also said that if i remain this way, my metabolism rate will decrease and i will morph into.....*sigh*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:51 PM  
Blogger Adrian said...

yup, thinking about going to gym alone will stress you enough to loose all the weight you had gained. or when you dream, dream about jogging, running on the treadmill, etc and certainly when you wake up, you'll realize that you have lost 3 kgs!

9:03 AM  
Blogger dee said...

*sniff* if only that could become my reality

12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow that has never happend to me ur paranoid men..yo D sister get a tag too nah? for nonesense...

7:13 PM  
Blogger dee said...

erm, ayesha? i have no idea what you're talking about

8:09 PM  
Blogger The Maccabee said...

50 kg? At least the way I see it, even 75's not much at all, unless you're really short...

Then again, I'm an American, and we're not too good where health is concerned. ;)

10:17 PM  
Blogger dee said...

hehe..that's because u guys are freaking tall. im short like a dwarf. call me grumpy.

9:53 AM  

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