Wednesday, November 09, 2005


i have been tagged a few times but due to my procastinating nature, you can guess what happened. today, you shall witness a miracle. i shall be doing the tags. reason being? i can't think of anything to blog about. if you're hoping to read about something that happened in my boring life, too bad. go to some other blog.
WARNING!!UTTER NONSENSE AHEAD which makes NO sense at all.
first up: maccabee + yat (they both tag me the same thing..)
Seven things I plan to do before I die (talk about optimism) :
  • make peace with GOD and everyone!!
  • get married..*giggles*
  • go travelling around the world
  • have kids of my own
  • experience all life has to offer
  • be happy and contented!!
Seven things I cannot do:
  • tell a joke
  • do the rock stance (you know the one eye thingy)
  • swim (haha..laugh all you like)
  • understand the magic eye illusions
  • read any Jane Austen litreature without falling asleep
  • eat Japanese seaweed...i find it utterly nauseating..
  • go without coffee in the morning..i would just DIE
Seven things I say most often:
  • really-ah?
  • omigawd (normally proceeding 'issit?')
  • bitch
  • issit?
  • whateva
  • jealous? (always proceeding 'issit?')
  • congratulations!
i am suppose to victimise seven people by tagging them. here are the candidates: -

there!!I DID IT!!Hurrah for me!!For any of you out there who don't have a life or just feel bored shitless, please feel free to use this as a form of cheap entertainment...

second up: kenny

you know what?i think i will do that on another day!*grins*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I did it all...not fun

8:47 PM  
Blogger dee said... i said, cheap entertainment..hehe

10:06 PM  
Blogger Akunosh said...

weh.. u tag me again for wat..?

5:48 PM  
Blogger dee said...

erm, *looks above* yeah yeah *sigh* i know its senseless and useless. :)

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'get married..*giggles*

have kids of my own

experience all life has to offer

be happy and contented!!'

all this points too? sex xD

10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'tell a joke' - true.. you promise so much at first, then the joke ends up horrible and difiled. *smacks*

do the rock stance (you know the one eye thingy) - hahahaha, damaris's suductive look eh? more like drunken master la.

understand the magic eye illusions - your eyes damn cacat.

read any Jane Austen litreature without falling asleep - HEY

eat Japanese seaweed...i find it utterly nauseating.. - OIIIII

go without coffee in the morning..i would just DIE - try it. i wanna see

10:58 PM  

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